Euro Trip 2018 was amazing

We just got back from our Euro trip last night! Jet lagged and tired but we had such an amazing time in Spain and France. I’ll try to share some pics and vids as soon as I unpack and organize all my memory cards- 어제 저녁에 LA에 도착해서 아직 시차때문에 졸려죽겠어요. 그래도 짐도 풀고 찍어놓은 사진들 […]

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Florence, Italy

    Sharing some of the pictures including a few “unshared” ones from our trip to Florence, Italy last year. The view of Ponte Vecchio at night time was amazing. The weather was super hot and humid during the day in August so it was really nice when it cooled down at night. Loved strolling […]

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