Paris, France 2018
I finally got to organize all my photos! Hooray!
Honestly though, I wasn’t sure what to post. I took way too many pictures of food, hotels and eiffel tower that I couldn’t figure out how to narrow them down to a blog post. BUT I did want to post these pics our photographer took. I’ll post his info at the end so scroll all the way down if you are curious!
파리에서 이것저것 찍은 사진이 몇천장이다 보니 도대체 어떻게 뭘 포스팅 해야할지 감이 안잡혀서 아예 안하고 있었어요… 솔직히 음식 사진만 모아서 올리면 넘 no잼일것같구 ..
하.지.만. 작년과 똑같은 사진작가님에게 촬영한 스냅사진들 만큼은 꼭 포스트해야겠다 마음먹고 앉아서 사진정리 & 보정 하다보니 또 다시 파리에 가고싶다 ㅠ___ㅠ
Check out our photographer @jeong_ilkwon He is based in Paris/Seoul however, he is coming to LA in November for a project.
Excited to collaborate with him again!
Hope you enjoyed these pics. Thanks a lot, guys!
Click to watch the short clip I made for ig